MuntashirAkon / AppManager

A full-featured package manager and viewer for Android
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Delete Apk after install #1329

Closed nikhilbadyal closed 1 month ago

nikhilbadyal commented 1 month ago

Please check before submitting an issue

Describe a description of the new feature

In the Installer section can we have an option which when Toggled on deletes the apk from device after the install is a success.

Describe the solution you'd like

APK gets deleted after installing.

Describe alternatives you've considered

I deleted apks manually after installing.

Additional context

MIUI package Installer had this cool option.

MuntashirAkon commented 1 month ago

This isn't possible for most cases since the URIs supplied by other apps (stores, file managers) provide no option to delete them. This will result in inconsistency and confusion. In addition, the user should be responsible for anything they have provided outside App Manager. This is not just true for App Manager but any apps.