Munter / subfont

Command line tool to optimize your webfont loading. Aggressive subsetting based on your font use, self-hosting of Google fonts and preloading
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OpenType layout features #141

Closed thewilkybarkid closed 3 years ago

thewilkybarkid commented 3 years ago

I've just noticed that a font-variant-numeric: oldstyle-nums proportional-nums property doesn't work as the onum and pnum features are removed (looks like the -layout-features option isn't set so the defaults are applied).

Trying to work out which exact features are used sounds like a rather... fun challenge, so maybe this could be an option for now?

papandreou commented 3 years ago

That's a great find, and I agree with your solution suggestion (at least for now). We should be able to be smarter about it if we also trace font-variant-numeric, but that requires more work. Probably better to sidestep that until we get around to doing axis trimming for variable fonts.

Would you mind sharing a reduced test case? Then we can add it to our image-based regression test suite to make sure we don't mess it up again 😎

thewilkybarkid commented 3 years ago

Something like

<!doctype html>
    @font-face {
      font-family: IBMPlexSans;
      src: url(IBMPlexSans-Regular.woff) format("woff");

     * CSS for IBM Plex Sans
     * Generated by Wakamai Fondue -
     * by Roel Nieskens/PixelAmbacht -

    /* Set custom properties for each layout feature */
    :root {
      --ibm-plex-sans-aalt: "aalt" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-dnom: "dnom" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-frac: "frac" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-numr: "numr" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-ordn: "ordn" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-salt: "salt" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-sinf: "sinf" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-ss01: "ss01" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-ss02: "ss02" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-ss03: "ss03" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-ss04: "ss04" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-ss05: "ss05" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-subs: "subs" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-sups: "sups" off;
      --ibm-plex-sans-zero: "zero" off;

    /* If class is applied, update custom property and
       apply modern font-variant-* when supported */
    .ibm-plex-sans-aalt {
      --ibm-plex-sans-aalt: "aalt" on;

    .ibm-plex-sans-dnom {
      --ibm-plex-sans-dnom: "dnom" on;

    .ibm-plex-sans-frac {
      --ibm-plex-sans-frac: "frac" on;

    @supports (font-variant-numeric: diagonal-fractions) {
      .ibm-plex-sans-frac {
        --ibm-plex-sans-frac: "____";
        font-variant-numeric: diagonal-fractions;

    .ibm-plex-sans-numr {
      --ibm-plex-sans-numr: "numr" on;

    .ibm-plex-sans-ordn {
      --ibm-plex-sans-ordn: "ordn" on;

    @supports (font-variant-numeric: ordinal) {
      .ibm-plex-sans-ordn {
        --ibm-plex-sans-ordn: "____";
        font-variant-numeric: ordinal;

    .ibm-plex-sans-salt {
      --ibm-plex-sans-salt: "salt" on;

    .ibm-plex-sans-sinf {
      --ibm-plex-sans-sinf: "sinf" on;

    .ibm-plex-sans-ss01 {
      --ibm-plex-sans-ss01: "ss01" on;

    .ibm-plex-sans-ss02 {
      --ibm-plex-sans-ss02: "ss02" on;

    .ibm-plex-sans-ss03 {
      --ibm-plex-sans-ss03: "ss03" on;

    .ibm-plex-sans-ss04 {
      --ibm-plex-sans-ss04: "ss04" on;

    .ibm-plex-sans-ss05 {
      --ibm-plex-sans-ss05: "ss05" on;

    .ibm-plex-sans-subs {
      --ibm-plex-sans-subs: "subs" on;

    @supports (font-variant-position: sub) {
      .ibm-plex-sans-subs {
        --ibm-plex-sans-subs: "____";
        font-variant-position: sub;

    .ibm-plex-sans-sups {
      --ibm-plex-sans-sups: "sups" on;

    @supports (font-variant-position: super) {
      .ibm-plex-sans-sups {
        --ibm-plex-sans-sups: "____";
        font-variant-position: super;

    .ibm-plex-sans-zero {
      --ibm-plex-sans-zero: "zero" on;

    @supports (font-variant-numeric: slashed-zero) {
      .ibm-plex-sans-zero {
        --ibm-plex-sans-zero: "____";
        font-variant-numeric: slashed-zero;

    /* Apply current state of all custom properties
       whenever a class is being applied */
    .ibm-plex-sans-zero {
      font-feature-settings: var(--ibm-plex-sans-aalt), var(--ibm-plex-sans-dnom),
      var(--ibm-plex-sans-frac), var(--ibm-plex-sans-numr), var(--ibm-plex-sans-ordn),
      var(--ibm-plex-sans-salt), var(--ibm-plex-sans-sinf), var(--ibm-plex-sans-ss01),
      var(--ibm-plex-sans-ss02), var(--ibm-plex-sans-ss03), var(--ibm-plex-sans-ss04),
      var(--ibm-plex-sans-ss05), var(--ibm-plex-sans-subs), var(--ibm-plex-sans-sups),

    code {
      font-family: IBMPlexSans, monospace;
      font-size: 400%;
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-aalt">
  a á ă â ä ạ à ả ā ą å ǻ ã ắ ặ ằ ẳ ẵ ấ ậ ầ ẩ ẫ ğ ĝ ģ ġ ß α ά а ӓ ӑ ¯ ˙ ¨ ˝ ´ ` ˆ ˇ ˚ ΄ ̉  
  g g 0 0 ˜ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-dnom">
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-frac">
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 /
  ⁄ ₀ ₁ ₂ ₃ ₄ ₅ ₆ ₇ ₈ ₉
  ² ³ ¹ ⁰ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹
  ⁄² ⁄³ ⁄¹ ⁄⁰ ⁄⁴ ⁄⁵ ⁄⁶ ⁄⁷ ⁄⁸ ⁄⁹ ₀² ₀³ ₀¹ ₀⁰ ₀⁴ ₀⁵ ₀⁶ ₀⁷ ₀⁸ ₀⁹ ₁² ₁³ ₁¹ ₁⁰ ₁⁴ ₁⁵ ₁⁶ ₁⁷ ₁⁸ ₁⁹ ₂² ₂³ ₂¹ ₂⁰ ₂⁴ ₂⁵ ₂⁶ ₂⁷ ₂⁸ ₂⁹ ₃² ₃³ ₃¹ ₃⁰ ₃⁴ ₃⁵ ₃⁶ ₃⁷ ₃⁸ ₃⁹ ₅² ₅³ ₅¹ ₅⁰ ₅⁴ ₅⁵ ₅⁶ ₅⁷ ₅⁸ ₅⁹ ₆² ₆³ ₆¹ ₆⁰ ₆⁴ ₆⁵ ₆⁶ ₆⁷ ₆⁸ ₆⁹ ₇² ₇³ ₇¹ ₇⁰ ₇⁴ ₇⁵ ₇⁶ ₇⁷ ₇⁸ ₇⁹ ₈² ₈³ ₈¹ ₈⁰ ₈⁴ ₈⁵ ₈⁶ ₈⁷ ₈⁸ ₈⁹ ₉² ₉³ ₉¹ ₉⁰ ₉⁴ ₉⁵ ₉⁶ ₉⁷ ₉⁸ ₉⁹
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-numr">
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-ordn">
  a o
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-salt">
  a g 0 á ă â ä ạ à ả ā ą å ǻ ã ắ ặ ằ ẳ ẵ ấ ậ ầ ẩ ẫ ğ ĝ ģ ġ ß α ά а ӓ ӑ
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-sinf">
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-ss01">
  a á ă â ä ạ à ả ā ą å ǻ ã ắ ặ ằ ẳ ẵ ấ ậ ầ ẩ ẫ α ά а ӓ ӑ
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-ss02">
  g ğ ĝ ģ ġ
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-ss03">
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-ss04">
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-ss05">
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-subs">
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-sups">
  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
<code class="ibm-plex-sans-zero">

might work? Covers all the types in the IBMPlexSans-Regular.woff font in the existing unusedVariants case. (So would represent a leave-all-features-on case.)

papandreou commented 3 years ago

That's a great test case, thanks! It looks like not even --layout-features=* is enough to get it passing, though:

All the reference images based tests that omit the fallback to the original font fail with an image diff like this: 12132-46126-72-10s80jb alqh

More ideas for pyftsubset switches that might fix it?

papandreou commented 3 years ago

Fiddling around with --no-subset-tables+=... doesn't seem to help either.

papandreou commented 3 years ago

The fact that it fails when not including the original font as a fallback suggests to me that we're leaving out some glyphs that we shouldn't, not just features? In my experience browsers' decision to load the next font-family in line is always based on whether the first loaded one(s) contained the glyphs it needed.

thewilkybarkid commented 3 years ago

I've tried running it locally (node lib/cli.js testdata/referenceImages/fontVariant/index.html -o issue141 --relative-urls --no-fallbacks) and it appears to work correctly....

papandreou commented 3 years ago

Correctly in the sense that it produces the exact same rendering before and after? 🤔

thewilkybarkid commented 3 years ago

Yep, here's the resulting font details:

Screenshot 2021-04-07 at 11 42 50

ccmp and liga are missing from the list, but I guess there are no characters that use them?

papandreou commented 3 years ago

Okay, that's super weird -- but good news I guess :)

Can you also get the test I added to pass? mocha -g 'omitFallbacks: true.*font-variant' --bail

I wonder if we're using the same version of fonttools?

ccmp and liga are missing from the list, but I guess there are no characters that use them?

IIRC liga has been superseded by the GSUB chunk, so I think it's just a legacy table that gets dropped.

thewilkybarkid commented 3 years ago

The test was failing for me too; tried to run it outside to have a poke around only to find it work. 😅

There must be something different between the CLI and test runner...

papandreou commented 3 years ago

Hmm, I can reproduce your finding -- that --layout-features=* is enough to make the page render the same before/after even with --no-fallbacks.

That's obviously great news! I'll try to find out what the difference is 😅

papandreou commented 3 years ago

Argh, of course it was something silly:

Now it's down to just the harfbuzz-based subsetting failing, so we'll need to figure out how to fix it there as well.

papandreou commented 3 years ago


Screenshot 2021-04-09 at 00 35 14

Subset with harfbuzz

Screenshot 2021-04-09 at 00 34 58

... Looks a bit more involved, so I'll save that for another day.

I've released the fix in 5.4.0. Thanks for the great bug report and for helping out.

papandreou commented 3 years ago

Ah, turns out the problem is already fixed in harfbuzz, but the latest version of harfbuzzjs is on an old version. For now I've made a fork of harfbuzzjs, updated to it, and released 5.4.1.