Munzy / blackbox

A replacement for Black Box Proxy Block
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False Positive #736

Closed Sn00zr closed 2 years ago

Sn00zr commented 2 years ago

Q: What are you currently seeing?

Q: What should it be marked as?


Q: What is the IP Address?

Q: What is the internet provider?

__Q: What other info can you provide us?__ Can you please assist in marking these IPs as not VPN? Thank you!
Munzy commented 2 years ago

Are you utilizing these IPs at all? What are you using them for?

Sn00zr commented 2 years ago
This looks to be hosting.
Can you confirm?

Yes, that is correct. The WHOIS comes back to "descr: Residential customers DHCP scope" so not sure why it is a VPN?
looks to be a mixed of hosting
Need to figure out what list is suggesting this for blocking.

Yes, that is correct. This is a small ISP out of northern Canada. Perhaps that is why it is being flagged?
GTT Backbone. So marked as hosting.

Does this mean it will reply with "Y"? Or is it now fixed?

One additional IP... Belongs to a University network out of the UK. Perhaps that is why it is being believed to belong to a proxy or VPN? Multiple users coming out of a single SNAT IP?

All of the provided IPs are from a gaming server, that utilizes anti-cheat technology to prevent people from bypassing issued bans using a VPN or proxy. The 3 IPs provided belong to well established members of the community, and hence I would like to have them continue.

Please let me know if you need any additional information, and I would be happy to help!

Munzy commented 2 years ago

Most of these came from when I initially was starting the project. Many of these were reported as "hosting" providers at the time.

We do some mapping of hosting providers via ASN. Since it is highly unlikely someone is playing a video game from a known VPS provider. Can you confirm this is there actual IP address? This one is the only one that seems odd at the moment, as the more I dig into it the more it seems like this shouldn't and wouldn't be used by a residential IP.

Sn00zr commented 2 years ago

According to SHODAN, the IP belongs to COX, but I guess the WHOIS is not updated and still shows the upstream provider?

Also, the banner shows "MikroTik POCCR1009 1.0 0.1" which appears to belong to a router of some sort.

Ironically, it does have TCP 1723 open, which is for PTP VPN, or a QNAP NAS, so not sure what it is used for specifically.

So I am still leaning towards residential... unless I am missing something?

Munzy commented 2 years ago

All the IPs have been updated minus the Still want to look further into that one, as unblocking GTT seems like I am letting a lot more through than I would like.

Sn00zr commented 2 years ago still shows "Y" [Not fixed?] still shows "Y" [Not fixed?] is still being reviewed. shows "N" [Fixed]

Munzy commented 2 years ago

We use a lot of caching to keep request volumes in control. I double checked, and the current un-cached version is accurate.

Sn00zr commented 2 years ago

Any updates on the last IP?

Munzy commented 2 years ago

Sadly, looking this over. I don't think I have any good options here. The IP is smack dab center in a huge Tier 1 network provider that mostly does IP backhaul for large hosting providers and the likes.

I think I will need to see if I can find a way to automate the finding of Cox's ips if this is the case. It just seems silly the way they have it setup.

For the time being I would suggest looking to see if you can "whitelist" that particular IP for that player.

Sn00zr commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, that was my very first approach which was unsuccessful. The application that utilizes your API, does not have any such "whitelist" or "allow-list" built into it.

CameronMunroe commented 2 years ago

Here is an idea, tell me what you think.

We create a small docker pod. It would need to run on port 80. Using the host file of your Linux or Windows host machine you point to the host running the docker pod. The docker image would have a whitelist and blacklist file where you could have a list of IPs that are added at your digression. If the IP is not found in either the whitelist or blacklist files, it would reach out to the actual site and pull down the appropriate record.

This would then allow plugins that don't support a whitelist to have a whitelist. The only downside is you would need to run an entire docker pod just for this purpose.

Tell me if you are interested and I can try and create it.

Munzy commented 2 years ago

Not seen any response to this, so going to close ticket. Feel free to reopen.