Muqsit / InvMenu

A PocketMine-MP virion to create and manage virtual inventories!
GNU General Public License v3.0
201 stars 76 forks source link

The event only called once #64

Closed AngelliaX closed 4 years ago

AngelliaX commented 4 years ago

if i put sth from my own inventory to the fake inventory then i click the chest, the event function (onTransaction()) wont be excuted

Muqsit commented 4 years ago

@TungstenVn can you provide any code samples that does that?

AngelliaX commented 4 years ago
- <?php
- namespace TungstenVn\Gomoku\commands;
- use TungstenVn\Gomoku\Gomoku;
- use muqsit\invmenu\InvMenu;
- use muqsit\invmenu\InvMenuHandler;
- class commands extends Command implements PluginIdentifiableCommand {
-     public $main,$menu;
-     public function __construct(Gomoku $main) {
-       parent::__construct("gom", "Gomoku command", ("/gom help"), []);
-       $this->main = $main;
-     }
-     public function execute(CommandSender $sender, $commandLabel, array $args)
-     {
-       $main = $this->main;
-       if ($sender instanceof Player) {
-         if (!isset($args[0])) {
-           #$sender->sendMessage("§6Please use: ".$this->getUsage());
-           $this->menu = InvMenu::create(InvMenu::TYPE_CHEST)
-             ->readonly()
-             ->setName($name)
-             ->setListener([$this, "onTransaction"]);
-           $this->menu->getInventory()->addItem(Item::get(Item::CHEST)->setCustomName("Click Me!"));
-           $this->menu->send($sender);
-         }
-       } else {
-         print("Please run command in-game.\n");
-       }
-     }
-   public function onTransaction(Player $player, Item $itemTakenOut, Item $itemPutIn, SlotChangeAction $inventoryAction) : void{
-            var_dump("alo");
-     }
-     public function getPlugin(): Plugin
-     {
-       return $this->Plugin;
-     }
- }

it was sth like this, i also have


in the Main.php(Gomoku.php)

Muqsit commented 4 years ago

The code seems to work fine... as far as the client is concerned. The inventory bugs of failed items persisting are not caused by InvMenu. It has existed since a few minecraft versions back.