Murali-group / BoolODE

Git Repo for simulating Boolean Models
GNU General Public License v3.0
33 stars 16 forks source link

'dict_keys' object is not subscriptable #12

Closed qinzhu closed 4 years ago

qinzhu commented 4 years ago


I was trying the example data with following command: python --config config-files/example-config.yaml

But got following error:

Global settings:
        model_dir: data
        output_dir: Debug
        do_simulations: True
        do_post_processing: True
        modeltype: hill
Creating output folders
Debug/dyn-linear-1 does not exist, creating it...
Starting simulations
Sampling parameter values
Using std=0.5
Debug/dyn-linear-1/simulations does not exist, creating it...
Starting simulations
Simulations took 4.297 s
starting to concat files
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 500/500 [00:29<00:00, 17.03it/s]
Concating files took 29.38 s
Requested nClusters=1, not performing k-means clustering
Generating input files for pipline...
1. refNetwork
2. PseudoTime.csv
Dataset too large.
Sampling 500 cells, one from each simulated trajectory.
Input file generation took 2.76 s took 36.71s
Starting post processing
Generating Samples...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 39, in <module>
  File "", line 34, in main
  File "/kimdata/zhuqin/MEDIVH/BoolODE/BoolODE/", line 132, in execute_jobs
  File "/kimdata/zhuqin/MEDIVH/BoolODE/BoolODE/", line 154, in do_post_processing
    gsamp['sample_size'] =[alljobs[0]]['num_cells']
TypeError: 'dict_keys' object is not subscriptable

Some other networks seem to run fine, e.g., python --config config-files/config.yaml. I used the conda env created by Beeline, "." Could you help on this? Thanks!

amoghpj commented 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for trying out BoolODE. The latest commit c6467a4 fixes these errors. Can you please pull the latest version of master and run the command again? Please let me know if there are other errors!

amoghpj commented 4 years ago

Closing this issue for now.