Having the opposite events (droppedTop, droppedBottom, droppedStart, and droppedEnd) to already existing reached... events would be excellent.
Use Case
When creating helper buttons to allow one-click actions to move to the top, bottom, start, and end scrolling positions, you need to know when to hide/show them. The reached events are helpful when you want to avoid showing them in the edge positions. But you'd like to show them again when the scroller is not in those edge positions. In such a case, the new dropped events would be perfect. Of course, including the new droppedOffset property.
Feature Description
Having the opposite events (droppedTop, droppedBottom, droppedStart, and droppedEnd) to already existing reached... events would be excellent.
Use Case
When creating helper buttons to allow one-click actions to move to the top, bottom, start, and end scrolling positions, you need to know when to hide/show them. The reached events are helpful when you want to avoid showing them in the edge positions. But you'd like to show them again when the scroller is not in those edge positions. In such a case, the new dropped events would be perfect. Of course, including the new droppedOffset property.