Murmele / Gittyup

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flatpak desktop file #249

Open jjgalvez opened 2 years ago

jjgalvez commented 2 years ago

please change the .desktop file StartupWMClass from gittyup to com.github.gittyup.gittyup, this is causing it to display the wrong icon on wayland. Thanks in advance

Murmele commented 2 years ago

Which icon is used on wayland?

jjgalvez commented 2 years ago

It's the generic yellow circle with a w in it

Murmele commented 1 year ago

@jjgalvez is this still the case?

thedustinmiller commented 1 year ago

This is still an issue unfortunately. This is on arch, using KDE Plasma, using the flatpak distribution. I did a bit of digging but was unable to find a solution. I'm not a desktop developer, but these posts seem to say that .desktop files for various platforms might be mutually exclusive. At the moment QOwnNotes .desktop icon doesn't work either.

An app called Obsidian does work correctly. The core app isn't open source, but the .desktop in flatpak and elsewhere runs a shell script with various compositor flags. It uses electron specific options so I don't know if that's a usable reference.

Thanks for your work.

0verEngineer commented 7 months ago

@Murmele Can we please reopen this? I have the same problem.

0verEngineer commented 7 months ago

image Here we can see that the name/id com.github.gittyup.gittyup is used but in the .destkop file is com.github.Murmele.Gittyup

Murmele commented 7 months ago

Yes of course if the problem still persists

RokeJulianLockhart commented 6 months ago

  1. System

    1. Timestamp

      1. #!/usr/bin/env -S bash
        date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z" #
      2. 2024-02-27T19:20:18+00:00
    2. OS

      1. #!/usr/bin/env -S bash
        cat -vbET '/etc/os-release' | grep 'CPE_NAME'
      2.     11  #CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:opensuse:tumbleweed:20240225"$
    3. DE

      1. #!/usr/bin/env -S pwsh
        #Requires -PSEdition Core
      2. KDE
    4. Display Server

      1. #!/usr/bin/env -S pwsh
        #Requires -PSEdition Core
      2. wayland
  2. Reproduction

    1. Version

      #!/usr/bin/env -S pwsh
      #Requires -PSEdition Core
      flatpak install && `
      flatpak update app/com.github.Murmele.Gittyup/x86_64/stable --commit=7e1c9370a1a462478b7fac34aac11882cb62768886aa23fe4fd36fb23c17e19b
      • Modification Pane

        1. #!/usr/bin/env -S pwsh
          #Requires -PSEdition Core
          kioclient openProperties '' #
        2. 20240227T191054GMT

      • Taskbar

        1. #!/usr/bin/env -S sh
          flatpak run app/com.github.Murmele.Gittyup/x86_64/stable
        2. image