Murmele / Gittyup

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Window not remembering window size and position #350

Open MikeCheel opened 1 year ago

MikeCheel commented 1 year ago

Every time I open the app the window is way too big and doesn't remember the new position and size after closing. I have to use ALT + SPACE and the Move to get to the window handles.

exactly-one-kas commented 1 year ago

Which operating system are you using?

Alliegaytor commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue. It always opens at the same size and doesn't remember what it used to be sized as. Also happens on my laptop running KDE & Arch.

version (commit): 1.2.0 (b663589)


                  +I+               allison@allison-ms7c37
                 +777+                   OS: EndeavourOS rolling rolling
            +77777++         Kernel: x86_64 Linux 6.1.1-1-clear
           +7777777++        Uptime: 1h 56m
          +7777777777++      Packages: 1619
        ++7777777777777++        Shell: fish 3.5.1
       ++777777777777777+++          Resolution: 2560x1440
     ++77777777777777777++++         DE: Xfce4
    ++7777777777777777777++++        WM: Xfwm4
      +++777777777777777777777++++   WM Theme: Aly
    ++++7777777777777777777777+++++      GTK Theme: Aly [GTK2]
   ++++77777777777777777777777+++++      Icon Theme: Qogir
  +++++777777777777777777777777+++++     Font: Noto Sans 10
       +++++++7777777777777777++++++    Disk: 1.5T / 2.4T (66%)
      +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++      CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core @ 24x 3.7GHz
     +++++++++++++++++++++++++++         GPU: AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT (navi10, LLVM 14.0.6, DRM 3.49, 6.1.1-1-clear)
                                         RAM: 7435MiB / 32020MiB
goktugerol-dev commented 11 months ago

I agree with this bug. I use Gittyup on my Mac in the office, and it works perfectly fine. However, I also installed Gittyup on my Windows 11 laptop, and the resolution makes it unusable. It doesn't fit the screen properly; the upper bar is out of the screen, and the texts are extremely big. As a result, I uninstalled it from my laptop until it gets fixed. I'll keep using it on macOS. Appearently this bug exists since 2002 and not fixed yet. It would be awesome if you could fix this!

doctorjei commented 11 months ago

Came here to mention the Windows 11 window sizing issue. The window starts up too large, and it doesn't save window size, so every time I open the app, I have to use keyboard shortcuts to move the window, then resize it. It's painful.

goktugerol-dev commented 11 months ago

Not only the size but also doesn't save the configuration... Everytime I open I have to setup my repos and projects again and again ( I only tried with Gitlab Self Hosted private repos ). On Mac there is no problem at all, I think it only happens on Windows 11...

simonpa71 commented 3 months ago

I can confirm the issue with screen size and resolution. My Windows 10 laptop comes with a 150% default screen resize, and some items are unusable. Gittyup-150percent-20240325

gsardiscot4u commented 2 months ago

I've encountered the same issue on Windows 11 Pro. I typically use Gittyup with the window maximized, but every time I open the application, it appears as a fixed-size window, in the same position and is slightly off the screen. I use the version: v1.3.0 - 2023-04-20

Screenshot 2024-04-23 180230

goktugerol-dev commented 1 month ago

seems like it's pretty much abandoned...