Murmele / Gittyup

Understand your Git history!
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two commits highlighted when left mouse button clicked and held over commit list. #699

Closed jensenr30 closed 4 months ago

jensenr30 commented 4 months ago

This bug seems pretty simple; I could probably fix it. Feel free to assign to me.

Steps to reproduce bug:

At this point, two commits will be highlighted. See attached video.

I originally thought this was a bug, but maybe it could be turned into a feature! It would be pretty nifty to make the light-blue highlighter continue to follow the cursor around regardless of whether the mouse button is held down or not. It helps me visually the eye line up commit circles, commit messages, and the author/date.


P.S. Pay no attention to all the "gitslam!" commits in my repo in the video - its just a personal repo that no one else uses.


Murmele commented 4 months ago

Yes this could be interesting, it is confusing that it stops highlighting another commit just when released. Thanks for assigning your self :)