Murmele / Gittyup

Understand your Git history!
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New release #738

Closed lonix1 closed 2 months ago

lonix1 commented 2 months ago

Hi @Murmele,

Last release was 1.3.0 (tomorrow will be one year). There have been many updates to the beta branch since then.

Maybe one day you can do a new release so we can have all those nice new features and bugfixes.

Please close this issue once you see it, and thanks!

Murmele commented 2 months ago

Hi @lonix1,

I already thought about. I just wanna a few more pr into it but currently the CI is broken due to update Ubuntu Docker image. Didn't have the time to have a look into it

lonix1 commented 1 month ago

Just upgraded to the latest stable release from a few days ago... so many new things added/fixed in the last year.

Well done and thank you! :beer:

(Maybe now that the CI is fixed we can get stable releases more often?)

Murmele commented 1 month ago

Just upgraded to the latest stable release from a few days ago... so many new things added/fixed in the last year.

Well done and thank you! 🍺

(Maybe now that the CI is fixed we can get stable releases more often?)

Thank you :) The problem with more stable releases is that currently we don't have that much new changes to create faster once 😄

lonix1 commented 1 month ago

problem with more stable releases is that currently we don't have that much new changes to create faster once

Yes, I understand... No pressure! :)

What I meant is features / fixes always go into the dev build. But maybe every few months we can also have a stable build (otherwise the only way to get the bugfixes is to use the dev build, but many people are using stable).

Murmele commented 1 month ago

Yes this we can do. Maybe backporting issue fixes and publishing releases with less new features would be possible. Currently I don't have time to code on Gittyup but I will review and test MR's.