Murmele / Gittyup

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Merge line is marked as dashed instead of solid #747

Open gsardiscot4u opened 2 months ago

gsardiscot4u commented 2 months ago

I'm experiencing a minor graphic glitch in the rendering of the merge line when I switch to the branch preceding the merge. This glitch appears when I have uncommitted files in my working directory (which can also be untracked). I use Gittyup v1.3.0 - 2023-04-20 on Windows 11 Pro.

As-is: Screenshot 2024-04-23 174504

Expected behavior: fixed

Step to reproduce:

  1. Create a repository and make the first commit:

    git init
    touch file1
    git add file1
    git commit -m "Add file1"
  2. Create a new branch named 'feature' and commit in it:

    git checkout -b feature
    touch file2
    git add file2
    git commit -m "Add file2"
  3. Optionally, add some commits to the 'master' branch to highlight the issue:

    git checkout master
    touch.exe file3
    git add file3
    git commit -m "Add file3"
    touch file4
    git add file4 4
    git commit -m "Add file4"
  4. Merge the 'feature' branch into 'master' (the '--no-ff' option is mandatory if step 3 was not performed):

    git merge feature --no-ff


  5. Switch back to the 'feature' branch and add a file:

    git checkout feature
    touch file5

It's not evident to see the merge when looking at the lines. image