Murmele / Gittyup

Understand your Git history!
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No way to filter unstaged files by extension #768

Open XeonG opened 1 month ago

XeonG commented 1 month ago

Doesn't seem to be anything useful in the way of a filter search either.. but

List View ... there isn't even a column like Extension which would be useful to sort by to make selecting only those file types better....

you can't filter by only showing certain extension types you want to add to staged files which would be very useful.

Same in Multicolumn view ...without Listview a search filter would be good instead.

I've use 'Smartgit' before and it had some nice layout views that I hope gittyup will support in the future to make doing things like this easier.

XeonG commented 1 month ago

There is a search input at top right.. however it doesn't work on staged/unstaged files for filtering and selecting/unselecting file types easier