Murmele / Gittyup

Understand your Git history!
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File panels UX issues in 1.4.0 #773

Open lonix1 opened 1 month ago

lonix1 commented 1 month ago

I upgraded to the latest version 1.4.0 and one thing I noticed is the "Staged Files" and "Unstaged Files" were changed somehow... I think the old way was to show filenames only in a single row, and now it shows "File Name", "Relative Path" and "State" in separate columns which can be resized.

It's a nice addition, but I often struggle to resize the columns, and when I reopen Gittyup the customisations are forgotten, so I have to do it again.

Does anyone else have this issue? How do you deal with it?

There should probably be some discussion around this, as it's a part of the UI that one uses most often.

(I'm using it on ubuntu + gnome.)

lonix1 commented 1 month ago

Actually after thinking about it some more, my opinion is the old way was better. The new way there is a lot of wasted space so it's hard to see the full names.

Maybe in the future it could be an option to have a "RelativePath/Filename" column (the old way) instead of "File Name" and "Relative Path" columns (the new way). Users could choose whatever they prefer.