Murmele / Gittyup

Understand your Git history!
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SSH remote fetch error: #774

Open uvassal opened 1 month ago

uvassal commented 1 month ago

I have installed gittyup v1.4.0 on ubuntu 24.04. Like the previous installation on ubuntu 22.04, that works correctly, I configure a remote on ssh with string "ssh:///path/to/remote/repo". But when form gittyup I fetch this remote console give error: Could not resolve hostname : Temporary failure in name resolution

no error instead when I fetch from the command line like: git fetch remote-name

For installation, like ubuntu 22.04, i have build stable release, later I also try with master branch last commit. But there are always same error.

Also, specify path of ssh config file not works (into menu tools->options)

there is a file that I can use to specify server ip address, user login and identity_file? Thanks

Murmele commented 1 month ago

I am using it like this: grafik

Is it the same for you?

uvassal commented 1 month ago

I have also second remote srv-test Screenshot 2024-05-29 alle 12 48 44

srv-test url "ssh:///var/repo/easy-test.git" has resolved from my .ssh/config file that contains: ip address, identity_file, login username of ""

I specify the path of ssh config file into menu tools->options but not works. Gittyup not resolve

uvassal commented 1 month ago

Hi. I solved the problem. Into my .ssh/config file there was an invalid instruction for gittyup, see below, i use it for sourcetree on mac, and don't give any error on git of ubuntu 24.04. Can you show a more specific error when config file is invalid?

Host * ServerAliveInterval 60