Murmele / Gittyup

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Initialized LFS, No way to push lfs except via command line and fails / hangs if normal push is used before cmdl LFS push #782

Open The-Maize opened 1 week ago

The-Maize commented 1 week ago

There are numerous problems, The program will fail with a time out and complain about auto-detection, even though the command line does not fail.

There is no obvious way to "Push" LFS on its own. Usually there is a button, Instead I need to push LFS via command line. even after initialising the repo with LFS via Gittyup software. Software hangs if I push and I have not previously manually performed an LFS push from the terminal.

Staging LFS files spams "staging LFS windows" for each LFS object and that could be 10', 100's or even 1000 or more files resulting in a prompt for each file causing the program to crash.

Any Assistance in getting this to work would be great. Also I am doing this with a clean repo as well after the existing repo had issues, it is the same for both.