Murray-Bridge-Bunyips / BunyipsFTC

FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics | Teams 15215, 22407, 24736
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
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Establish White Pixel detection #40

Closed bubner closed 8 months ago

bubner commented 8 months ago

Use built-in TFOD models to detect White Pixel for minimum 10 points, unknown if driving to the spike marks will be required or if we can get away with it in init-phase.

bubner commented 8 months ago

Moving to the spike mark will be the only way, as long-range detection won't work. (tested 26/10) Rewriting now to only check for a singular mark.

bubner commented 8 months ago

Pixel detection works with the Vision processing system; need to implement this into a task but functionality does pick up white pixels.