Murray-Bridge-Bunyips / BunyipsFTC

FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics | Teams 15215, 22407, 24736
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
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AutonomousBunyipsOpMode fine comb bug test #45

Closed bubner closed 7 months ago

bubner commented 8 months ago

AutonomousBunyipsOpMode passed the initial code implementation but needs to be tested rigorously to ensure reliability in actual competition. Some major weak points may include the usage of threading when deciding user input - must test all edge cases.

bubner commented 8 months ago

Identified some dangerous bugs that were fixed in, need to continue testing for any potential bugs that could be dangerous if used in competition.

bubner commented 8 months ago

User input seems to be reliable even when not in use with ABYO.

bubner commented 8 months ago

User input confirmed to be fully reliable, testing will come from extended use of these systems.

bubner commented 7 months ago

Init tasks seem to be reliable, ABOM is working properly with RoadRunner too.