MuseApplications / MyFunGame

A visual novel where Ruby finds her calling with the help of her friend Mia and an unlikely mentor Jacqueline
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Come up with game choices #18

Closed rkamradt closed 4 years ago

rkamradt commented 4 years ago

Add some simple branching into the game, bad choices should always have catastrophic effects.

simpl-r commented 4 years ago

Panel 3.6

Choice A Panel 3.6 You... you have a mechanical dog? [continue script]

Choice B Panel 3.6.1 Are you a witch?

Panel 3.6.2 Excuse me?! I'll have you know that my myriad accomplishments in locomotion and automation have nothing to do with simple witchcraft, but are in fact the result of my prodigious technological know-how!

Panel 3.6.3 She seems flustered but doesn't slam the door in my face. Yikes. I'm not sure why I'd ask anyway. Did I think she'd tell me yes? [return to panel 3.6, but with all previous choices made eliminated]

Choice C Panel 3.6.4 ...Wut.

Panel 3.6.5 Young lady, did you just say "what" but spelled w-u-t?

Panel 3.6.6 ...Yeah...

Panel 3.6.7 Kids these days. [return to Panel 3.6 choice, but with all previous choices made eliminated]

simpl-r commented 4 years ago

Panel 4.5

Choice A Panel 4.5.1 That's a great idea! I'm glad I thought of it! [continue script, Mia looks dejected]

Choice B Panel 4.5.2 That's a great idea! You're a genius, Mia! [continue script, Mia looks happy]

Choice C Panel 4.5.3 Kiss her.

Panel 4.5.4 (inner dialogue, Ruby does nothing of the sort) Wait what?! Uh, yeah, no, let's just forget this ever popped in my head. [continue to panel 4.5.1]

simpl-r commented 4 years ago

Panel 6.17 As a matter of fact--

Choice A Panel 6.17.1 Mia did it!

Panel 6.17.2 Yes, it-- it was me, ma'am. [continue to panel 6.13 (2))

Choice B Panel 6.17.3 I did it!

Panel 6.17.4 Something powdery falls onto my head. A lot of it, actually. Is it snowing?! Oh, nope, Mia just dumped the remainder of the box of baking soda onto my head. [continue to panel 6.20]

add Panel 6.18 (2) (Ruby) Great! Can you get me to the nurse first, though? My skin and eyes are burning... [continue script]

Choice C (only appears if you picked choice C back on panel 4.5) 6.17.5 KISS HER.


6.17.7 Mia finally speaks up, which is good, because I choked on my own spit and had started coughing by this point. [continue to panel 6.20]