MusicAdam / TotemDefender

Simple physics based game.
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GUI #20

Closed MusicAdam closed 9 years ago

MusicAdam commented 9 years ago

Menu (abstract class): Base menu from which all other menus derive. Should provide the ability to add Buttons and Text. Should have its own input processor which its component buttons will attach to.

Methods: public abstract render(); //Renders components if visible public void show(); //Allows menu to be rendered, attaches inputprocessor to main multiplexer public void hide(); //Stops menu rendering, detaches inputprocessor from multiplexer. public void addComponent(Component cmp); //Adds a component (Should attach to inputprocessor if menu is visible) public void removeComponent(Component cmp); //Removes a component

Component: Base component from which all other components (buttons, sliders, etc.) will derive. Should implement InputProcessor and allow rendering. public abstract render(); //Renders the components content.