MusicConnectionMachine / Relationships

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Read "complete" stop word list #60

Closed Henni closed 7 years ago

Henni commented 7 years ago


sacdallago commented 7 years ago

I guess importing this from its .csv from somewhere wouldn't be that bad.

kordianbruck commented 7 years ago

Or have a simple txt file that has one word per line. Does not matter really.

sacdallago commented 7 years ago

Update. We can create the list here and read it in as a cli parameter, OK? So you @Henni / @MusicConnectionMachine/group-3 & @MusicConnectionMachine/group-4 can worry about defining an initial list, and this will then be curated with patience by the crowd

edit: you can really go as far as using the web interface of GH to "create new file" and dump in all words you have right now :) Then at the bottom you get the option of "commit on a new branch and open PR". For later modifications, you can directly edit via web interface and open PRs :) I think it's a good solution but then again I came up with it so I'm not very impartial :D :D :D

edit 2: ups

Sandr0x00 commented 7 years ago

Done in #67