Musicoin / desktop

The official Musicoin Desktop Wallet Application
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Remove unused dependencies #186

Closed Varunram closed 6 years ago

Varunram commented 6 years ago

We should combine this with other PRs, if possible

Unused dependencies
* bignumber.js
* crypto
* debug
* eth-lightwallet-nwjs
* hooked-web3-provider
* koa
* koa-route
* koa-session
* koa-websocket
* mkdirp
* node-localstorage
* os
* path
* promise-queue
* reverse-line-reader
* serve-favicon
* tmp
Missing dependencies
* nw.gui
* y18n

y18n might not to be needed, nw.gui might have to check

cryptofuture commented 6 years ago

Varunram commented 6 years ago

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