Musicoll / Kiwi

:kiwi_fruit: Realtime collaborative audio patching
GNU General Public License v3.0
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an code bug? #156

Closed iomeone closed 5 years ago

iomeone commented 5 years ago

I do not know if it's a bug. m_alert_box.reset(new AlertBox(message, type, true, [this](){

the code above capture this variable, but the app will crash with vs2017 compiler .

when m_alert_box.reset(); is executed , the this pointer changes to an invalid pointer.
So I rewrite as

m_alert_box.reset(new AlertBox(message, type, true, [this]() {
        auto p = this;
        p->setBounds(p->getBounds().withHeight(p->getHeight() - p->m_alert_height));


The point is that I save the this variable, and the app will not crash!

Maybe it's vs2017's bug .