Musixal / Backhaul

Lightning-fast reverse tunneling solution for NAT traversal, optimized for handling massive concurrent connections with tcp, tcpmux, ws, wsmux, wss and wssmux support.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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convert heartbeat to noise (randomized interval of heartbeat) #19

Open netsupcloud opened 3 days ago

netsupcloud commented 3 days ago

سلام بهتره مثله خود xray بجای heartbeat از noise استفاده کنید تا pattern یابیش سخت تر بشه برای dpi

"noises":[ { "type":"base64", "packet":"7nQBAAABAAAAAAAABnQtcmluZwZtc2VkZ2UDbmV0AAABAAE=", "delay":"10-16" }

netsupcloud commented 3 days ago

البته خود پکت هم بهتره randomize بشه