Muskansahuincredible / StudyNotion-An-Online-Education-Platform

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BUG REPORT: Spam and senseless reviews in the review section #161

Open sandy-queen opened 4 weeks ago

sandy-queen commented 4 weeks ago


Hello, I would like to suggest some improvement for the review section. Most reviews are completely nonsensical. Other projects under GSSOC'24 have quite a good review section, and I would like to create the same for this website.

I can improve the review section of this website by writing proper and genuine-sounding reviews


r3 review rrr r2

Additional information

As seen from the screen shots, there are a lot of spam like reviews written. I can remove spam/test reviews can write proper reviews in there place.

I would like to work on this issue, please assign it to me under GSSOC'24". Thank you.

What browser are you seeing this bug on?



sandy-queen commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for assigning this issue to me. Please add the GSSOC label.