Muskansahuincredible / StudyNotion-An-Online-Education-Platform

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BUG REPORT :- Hover effect on Login button as well as footer social media icons. #213

Open sakeel-103 opened 2 weeks ago

sakeel-103 commented 2 weeks ago


I have checked the website there is no hover effects on login button as well as in footer social media icons, due to which it doesn't looks good. Please assign me this task under gssoc'24.


Below I attached a video of the design.

Additional information

I will add those styles on both login button as well as in footer social media icon. Assign me this under gssoc'24.

What browser are you seeing this bug on?

No response


zahidalam05 commented 2 weeks ago

please assign me this issue...

guneetdewangan9 commented 2 weeks ago

I would like to solve this issue. Assign me this issue under GSSoC '24 . I have gone through this website and found there is no hover effect.