Muskansahuincredible / StudyNotion-An-Online-Education-Platform

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💡[FEATURE] :Adding Instagram and LinkedIn accounts at footer #235

Open GAVINESHWAR opened 2 weeks ago

GAVINESHWAR commented 2 weeks ago


In the Website at footer section there is missing of Linked In and Instagram accounts Icon , I would like add those features to the website for better reach of contact details.

Assign me this issue @Muskansahuincredible and @techmannih to make impact on the website Thank you



Here there is missing Instagram and Linked in Icons


GAVINESHWAR commented 2 weeks ago

Assign me this issue @Muskansahuincredible and @techmannih to make the contribution to this project

jayanththalla commented 1 week ago

please assign me @pa i will hover with different colors