Muskansahuincredible / StudyNotion-An-Online-Education-Platform

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💡[FEATURE] Programming languages #97

Open aryansharma220 opened 1 month ago

aryansharma220 commented 1 month ago


We can add a list item of programming language with a dropdown menu of different programming languages clicking on which take them to their respective detailed pages. please assign it to me under gssoc24




Muskansahuincredible commented 4 weeks ago

what content u were add into this..

aryansharma220 commented 4 weeks ago

what content u were add into this..

I was thinking of adding a page for programming languages where there will be a little bit of information regarding what is a programming language and a list of cards which will provide an overview of the language and after clicking on the card the user will be redirected to a detailed page corresponding to that programming language. I can build the structure and add some of the languages. Later on other contributors will also be able to add information regarding different programming languages. Do you like this idea?

aryansharma220 commented 4 weeks ago

@Muskansahuincredible should I work on it?

techmannih commented 3 weeks ago

cc @Muskansahuincredible

aryansharma220 commented 3 weeks ago

@techmannih @Muskansahuincredible please provide instruction to weather work on it or not.