MustansirZia / react-native-fused-location

Finest location for react-native on Android using the new Fused API.
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react-native-fused-location not working in Android Oreo 8.0 #29

Open vishwesh1010 opened 6 years ago

vishwesh1010 commented 6 years ago

Hi there! I am using react-native-fused-location in my Project and its working fine on Android <=7.1 but when I am running it on Android Oreo 8.0 it is not giving me speed and bearing values..!! It is giving perfect values of latitudes and Longitudes but always giving values of speed and bearing zero !! Thank you in Advance!

MustansirZia commented 6 years ago

Hi @vishwesh1010! Did you verify this on a phone or inside a simulator? Also, did you move around and verify this thoroughly if you tried on an actual phone? Also, were you using a mock location when you conducted this test?

vishwesh1010 commented 6 years ago

@MustansirZia I verifed it on real device and also tried moving around with it but still getting the values of bearing and speed zero ,it is giving me perfect values of latitudes and longitudes.. Also we are not using mock location

PAWAN-PRAJAPATI commented 6 years ago

Exactly same issue here. Not getting speed and bearing values on MotoG6(Oreo 8).But working completly fine on MotoG5S Plus(Nougat 7.1 )

MustansirZia commented 6 years ago

@vishwesh1010 @PAWAN-PRAJAPATI Okay. Understood. I will try to dig inside this a bit more to see what issues we face inside Android Oreo. There could have been an API depreciation or a limitation set by Google.

PAWAN-PRAJAPATI commented 6 years ago

@MustansirZia react-native-fused-location is working fine the problem was with the location permission. From SDK 23 onwards android introduced new permission model, but I was still using targetSdkVersion 22 in my project, changing it to 23 worked for me. I'm extremely sorry for the trouble. It was all my fault. Library is working perfectly fine.

henrikra commented 6 years ago

@PAWAN-PRAJAPATI close the issue then?

rendomnet commented 6 years ago

@PAWAN-PRAJAPATI what you have changed?