MustardChef / WSABuilds

Run Windows Subsystem For Android on your Windows 10 and Windows 11 PC using prebuilt binaries with Google Play Store (MindTheGapps) and/or Magisk or KernelSU (root solutions) built in.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
6.88k stars 1.19k forks source link

[REQUEST] Powershell script creation #317

Closed azurejoga closed 2 months ago

azurejoga commented 4 months ago

Describe your request

Hello, I hope everyone is well. I have one fully automated windows optimization program

And I wanted to create a powershell script that would do the following with WSA.

  1. asked the user which WSA he wants to download, such as which architecture, OS version, etc...
  2. Find the latest github version available for that system, download it, extract it, run run.bat
  3. before performing the two operations above, he performed
    • powershell execution policy to allow running powershell scripts through github itself using use basic parcing
    • Enabled all virtualization features.
  4. After that, it would run run.bat and once installed, it would close the script. all of this in an automated way. After talking a little about my project that will benefit everyone, I wanted to ask the following, the link to download the WSA versions, {all systems} are permanent links or are they dynamic links, that is, they change as soon as a new version is released? Because if it's a dynamic link, I think it will be quite difficult for me to create a script that does what I'm thinking.
    • What are your opinions?
MustardChef commented 4 months ago

This is a great idea. Feel free to open a PR and we can work together to get a utility like this setup.

azurejoga commented 4 months ago

Hello, yes, I want to implement this idea, but for that I need to know if the WSA links change depending on a new update, or are they static.. one drive

MustardChef commented 4 months ago

Hello, yes, I want to implement this idea, but for that I need to know if the WSA links change depending on a new update, or are they static.. one drive

We can implement a dynamically updating .json file with all the builds and their download links.

azurejoga commented 3 months ago

Yes. that seems like a reasonable idea! and then, the PowerShell script would do the following, consult the JSON file directly from github and behind it I would create a graphical interface using systé user would choose a build and it would start downloading then extract and run the rum.bat file. Before these steps I could enable virtualization and open the policy to run unsigned scripts.

azurejoga commented 3 months ago


MustardChef commented 3 months ago


Great. I will start work on implementing this.

azurejoga commented 3 months ago

Ok, I'll write my part of the script soon, waiting for its implementation

azurejoga commented 3 months ago

I myself created a JSON implementation and a python script that

MustardChef commented 3 months ago

I myself created a JSON implementation and a python script that

  • automatically downloads the file with a progress bar showing how much time remains to download
  • extracts the file and shows a message that the extraction is complete
  • wx python graphical interface
  • json file included in the repository for better example


I believe the only thing you will have to do is:

  • create a method to extract a 7z file
  • create another method to find the extracted folder and run run.bat as administrator, which is not difficult.
  • I recommend using GPT if you don't want any work for this. Repository link here

I hope this is done successfully!

Thank you. I have begun work on this.

azurejoga commented 3 months ago

Update me for anything new

azurejoga commented 3 months ago

Hello, any news?, were you able to implement it?

MustardChef commented 3 months ago

I have abandoned it, since WSA has been discontinued.