MustardChef / WSABuilds

Run Windows Subsystem For Android on your Windows 10 and Windows 11 PC using prebuilt binaries with Google Play Store (MindTheGapps) and/or Magisk or KernelSU (root solutions) built in.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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unlock system read-write #338

Closed Schefflin closed 3 months ago

Schefflin commented 3 months ago

Please provide a clear and concise description of the changes you would like to see made to the documentation.

Hello, excuse me, Could you tell me how to unlock system partition? I install magiskoverlayFS on kernelSU, and give root to MT manager, but still cannot read-write /system. It seems that MT manager can't use root! If MT manager doesn't work, could you give me other ways to read-write system partition, thank your kind.
