MustardChef / WSABuilds

Run Windows Subsystem For Android on your Windows 10 and Windows 11 PC using prebuilt binaries with Google Play Store (MindTheGapps) and/or Magisk or KernelSU (root solutions) built in.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] Swipe lockscreen functionnality #365

Closed Baalfrog closed 2 months ago

Baalfrog commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

Issue after activating Swipe function

Steps to reproduce the issue

Go to advanced parameters, activate dev modus. click on manage dev parameters look for security, click on lockscreen and activate swipe. Reboot the computer.

Expected behaviour

Continue to be able to go back to manage dev parmaeters or run an app. it seems without swipe function activated everything is working fine. after activating there is no way to go back to menu or to run apps.

Downloaded Build Of WSA

All 2311.40000xxx revision

Windows build number

Windows 11 23H2 (22631.3447)

PC Specification

Lenovo Thinkbook tried with Lenovo P53 same issue (computers are enterprise managed but with local admin rights).

Additional context

At first congratulation for all you did ! My need is to launch an Android apps on a windows 11 computer with sensitive screen. The laucnhed app requires a lock screen then I have at least to activate Swipe modus. the issue is when activated there is no way to launch the app anymore (it was running without). I tried with older WSA revision but as soon as the developper option is activated it download automatically the last revision. Then no way to go further. I check before restarting the computer and the app works (I can go to manage developper parameters too) but as soon as the computer is restared there is no error message, just the computer starts the WSA sub system for windows and nothing happens. It seems the issue occurs just after activating swipe function. before evething seems ok (except my needed software said : you have to setup a lockscreen, as I'm on a compagny which manage safety I can't activated pin code to log my windows session then the software don't allow me to continue. With Swipe modus activated my software is working up to a reboot (or restart). My goal is to allow all my team to use "Field Service" apps from Salesforce to be run from a tactile computer (greater screen and no need to buy android or apple tablets). is there a way to simulate the lockscreen or to correct this behaviour? Thanks a lot for your help :-) Regards

MustardChef commented 2 months ago

A video highlighting the issue would be helpful. Please note that it is not possible to use a lock screen on WSA.

Baalfrog commented 2 months ago

Hi, thank you for your quick answer. Unfortunately I'm able to perform video (I'm limited by local IT and then I'm not able to perform video or things like this) I can just tell you as soon as I activate swipe in lockscreen submenu I have no error or warning message and it is not possible launch an app or to enter in 'manage developper parrameters' . it is as if I didn't click on it. Thank you for the information : not possible to use a lock ssceen on WSA, in this cas is there a way to fake the app on this subject ? I mean to bypass or squize the lockscreen configuration detection. The aim is to be able to run the app and not to be blocked by an error message "Field Service requires a device lock screen."

MustardChef commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately there is no workaround/bypass for apps that explicitly require a lock screen without some sort of tampering with the app or Android system.

Adding or creating a guide for such a process is out of the scope of this project.

I would assume that most other commercial/non-commercial emulator also do not have a lock screen functionality, by design, as most use cases (apps and games) do not require a lock screen to be set.

Sorry if this is not the answer that you were looking for when opening an issue here.

Baalfrog commented 2 months ago

Hi thank you for your work and to try to. I totally understand your anwser