MutinyWallet / mutiny-web

The frontend for Mutiny Wallet
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Restore Wallet #1170

Closed Rabbitholeorange closed 3 weeks ago

Rabbitholeorange commented 3 weeks ago

Balance is zero in desktop wallet which I restored for the first time whereas the correct balance should be positive and as reflected in my mobile wallet.

TonyGiorgio commented 3 weeks ago

On chain or what?

Rabbitholeorange commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for your response.

One was a swept force close of 39,152 sats on chain and one lightning tx of 100,000 sats.

Since spent but have a balance of approx 84,000 in mobile wallet but not showing when restored in desktop.




TonyGiorgio commented 3 weeks ago

Wait for it to sync and also double check the seed words. Other than that, you'll need to provide logs on both ends.

Rabbitholeorange commented 3 weeks ago

Ok. Seedwords checked but will do so again.

What do you mean logs both ends? I'm guessing you mean for mobile and desktop?

Thanks Tony.

Will come back in the coming days.

TonyGiorgio commented 3 weeks ago

It's in the emergency toolkit in the settings page. By both ends, I mean the device that has the correct balances and the browser where it's showing up blank.

Rabbitholeorange commented 3 weeks ago

Unable to upload either of the logs here ie desktop or mobile. Mobile image attached.

I'm using an iPhone 13 Pro Max which I hate! 😬

Back to android I go...


Rabbitholeorange commented 3 weeks ago

It's in the emergency toolkit in the settings page. By both ends, I mean the device that has the correct balances and the browser where it's showing up blank.

What OS does Mutiny need for use on a MacBook Pro?

Just realised that wallet features are missing having watched Ben's Mutiny tutorial...For example, I do not have the option to add install app.

Rabbitholeorange commented 3 weeks ago

Ok, I've got it to work on my iMac. Must be the OS as it's an older laptop.

Thanks for the assistance, Tony.

BTC for the win. 🔥🧡