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Massive channel force close! Why? #1197

Open Thebitcoinyogi opened 2 weeks ago

Thebitcoinyogi commented 2 weeks ago

I opened up mutiny on a laptop browser using my seed phrase and then for some reason that triggered a big force close of my lightning channel and drew down my bitcoin balance. Any idea why this happened?!

benthecarman commented 2 weeks ago

If you click on the force closure it will give you a reason why. Otherwise if you can provide logs we can get to the root issue

Thebitcoinyogi commented 2 weeks ago

mutiny-logs jg.txt heres my logs

Thebitcoinyogi commented 2 weeks ago


benthecarman commented 2 weeks ago

7633 2024-06-07 19:37:36.154 ERROR [lightning::ln::channelmanager:8815] Force-closing channel: Peer's feerate much too low. Actual: 3170. Our expected lower limit: 3250 7633 2024-06-07 19:37:36.155 DEBUG [lightning::ln::channelmanager:2848] Finishing closure of channel due to Channel closed because of an exception: Peer's feerate much too low. Actual: 3170. Our expected lower limit: 3250 with 0 HTLCs to fail

Yeah I see the same in your logs, this happens when the two lightning nodes disagree on the on-chain fee rates. Seems like the Voltage LSP has bad fee estimation right now with the fee spike and is causing this. Sorry about this, we're working to get switch LSPs soon due to issues, this being one of them.

Astaroth678 commented 2 weeks ago

7633 2024-06-07 19:37:36.154 ERROR [lightning::ln::channelmanager:8815] Force-closing channel: Peer's feerate much too low. Actual: 3170. Our expected lower limit: 3250 7633 2024-06-07 19:37:36.155 DEBUG [lightning::ln::channelmanager:2848] Finishing closure of channel due to Channel closed because of an exception: Peer's feerate much too low. Actual: 3170. Our expected lower limit: 3250 with 0 HTLCs to fail

Yeah I see the same in your logs, this happens when the two lightning nodes disagree on the on-chain fee rates. Seems like the Voltage LSP has bad fee estimation right now with the fee spike and is causing this. Sorry about this, we're working to get switch LSPs soon due to issues, this being one of them.

Would you recommend waiting for the switch to occur to open another channel or can we open a larger channel now without worry of another force closure?

benthecarman commented 2 weeks ago

We'll be deploying a fix soon that should help fix this. May be best to wait until then