MutopiaProject / mupub

A publication tool rewrite
MIT License
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ci: add a basic CI running linter and tests #5

Open madrisan opened 1 month ago

madrisan commented 1 month ago

sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: licenses

How can I create the SQLite DB?

glenl commented 1 month ago
python3 mupub init

This will create the ~/.mupub folder containing an intialized database, configuration files, and lycache. (Apparently the lycache isn't getting created on init and I will fix that soon.)

madrisan commented 1 month ago

Thanks! I switched to a copy of this repository for testing a possible CI:

By the way @glenl , why mupub checks for lilypondVersion instead of lookinh at \version? A grep in MutopiaProject/MutopiaProject gives me no occurrences.

glenl commented 1 month ago

See - The tag in mupub's Loader table is named lilypondVersion but it resolves that from a match for \version.

_VERSION_PAT = re.compile(r'\s*\\version\s+\"([^\"]+)\"')

... and in the VersionLoader method,

                vmatch =
                if vmatch is not None:
                    table['lilypondVersion'] =

BTW, other than being the author and (reasonably) happy with the work, I have no other personal stake. If you want to continue support, feel free to rewrite and modify as you see fit. It is no longer "mine". For example, he SQLite DB part was an implementation decision I made and you might feel it is better served with YAML.