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New Setting #4

Closed ruba1987 closed 10 years ago

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

Quote from a friend: "One thing I like about warframe is how they chose to use space ninjas as characters that was kind of cool so...hear me out...instead of using the same old races (elf, dwarf, etc), would you consider trying something different? just off the top of my head, here is an example:


ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

@dakdaros What do you think?

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

I kinda like this idea. I'm not sure i'm completely sold on this particular idea but I think looking into a new setting might be cool.

dakdaros commented 10 years ago

I think a new setting could be pretty cool. It would certainly be a way to be different from every other fantasy adventure game out there.

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

just some things that come to mind:

dakdaros commented 10 years ago

I was thinking that it's a world that's starting to heal from an apocalyptic war that happened long ago. It was at the height of a golden age of magic and technology. Then the war came in and pretty much destroyed the world. Hundreds, if not a thousand years later, much of the game settings are in the ruins of the old world, some of which might still work. Like mechanized sentry guards still protecting the ruins of what was once a great palace.

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

We could do this as post world invasion.

Aliens come to Earth and try to take it over and have done a decent job of it. Other aliens come to try to help us take back earth (this is how we get the diff races). And we adventure together with these new people.

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

@dakdaros what would be the races there?

dakdaros commented 10 years ago

Or maybe to combine the two. The world was ravaged by a successful invasion, and largely destroyed and harvested for materials, now a long time later, the remnants of the survivors are under the threat of being invaded again.

dakdaros commented 10 years ago

I think mostly organic races. maybe have a class that acts as kind of a summoner, or hunter from WoW, but instead of the standard summoned creatures you get a robot or automaton like thing, and you upgrade it by finding materials and parts scattered throughout the world. And the various parts could point the robot in a direction, like tanking or ranged warfare.

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

I like that except for I would do it like this:

"Or maybe to combine the two. The world was ravaged by a successful invasion, and largely destroyed and harvested for materials, now a long time later, the remnants of the survivors are forming a rebellion and are helped by aliens that want to see Earth back to normal."

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

I agree on the organic thing. I have never been a big fan of robots

dakdaros commented 10 years ago

ooo, I like that. I can see myself working out a story like that.

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

similar to how Terminator worked except aliens, one really big and evil alien race that have taken over and couple smaller good ones that try to help us out

dakdaros commented 10 years ago

Right, maybe work into the story that those helpful aliens were either here, or that they just arrived, and their world was originally destroyed by the evil aliens, and they think that the only hope to stop them is to combine forces with humanity and start an uprising.

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

and I like that pet idea. Build a pet rather than summon one though. or maybe the class that gets a pet brings an organic one with them

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

and for "how they got here" I was thinking like you. Maybe one was invaded by them before but fought off the invasion and they sent some ppl to help, maybe another wants the trade routes back that they once had with earth. etc...

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

and if we go with how you stated it at first, thousands of years have past since the invasion, we don't need to worry too much about matching real places on earth

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

and our human hero could be Rambo :-)

dakdaros commented 10 years ago

right, like the start could be your characters, unlikely heroes, finding the small envoy of a ship or two of the helpful aliens that manage to make their way onto Earth's surface, and relay their plans to fight back, starting with Earth. Which can also set up for a sequel by fighting on the helpful aliens home planet.

dakdaros commented 10 years ago

So a large part of the story is actually sabotaging some key emplacements of the evil aliens. Which I think toying around with names should come pretty quickly so it's not just good aliens vs. bad aliens.

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

I am really starting to like this. Lets rewrite our characters on the wiki and come up with new races/classes and planet names they could be from.

Lol, yea, we need to work out solid names

dakdaros commented 10 years ago

hahaha, I'll work on some stuff in the story thread about names and the like. I wanted to say that the envoy of good aliens specifically sought you out, because they think you're the grain of rice that'll tip the scales in our favor, but that sounds pretty campy.

ruba1987 commented 10 years ago

@dakdaros @walterthearchitect

I'm going to close this issue, I think we got everything out of it that we need. What do you think?

dakdaros commented 10 years ago


I agree. We can still reference this if we need to, but I'm not sure that we have anything more we can contribute.

walterthearchitect commented 10 years ago

Yea cool.