As a Developer I can deploy the website early and by important change, so that I can avoid additional stress and technical issues in the moment of the project submission.
Acceptance criteria:
The project must be deployed to Heroku
The project must be connected to the 3rd party database like ElephantSQL
The code must be stored on GitHub to be evaluateted by the assessor
The project must be displayed through GitHub app
[x] Creating a workspace with Gitpod
[x] Connecting Github to Heroku
[x] Installing dependencies
[x] Setting up the enviroment variables
[ ] connecting ElephantSQL
[ ] Ensuring that app is displaying properly on Heroku
As a Developer I can deploy the website early and by important change, so that I can avoid additional stress and technical issues in the moment of the project submission.
Acceptance criteria:
The project must be deployed to Heroku