Samples/Example001XAML/Example/Example.csproj About.cs rewritten in XAML
Samples/Example001XAML/Example/Pages/FirstPage.xaml some reworking on the XAML
New Folder WikiImages
In order to show images in Wiki Pages we need somewhere to publish those images. They are not part of the project and cannot be published in the Git Wiki itself.
Nuspec now publishes code files in addition to symbols in its symbols package. So developers can now debug down into the Forms Presenters layer but still use Nuget Packages for references management,
This PR will generate merge conflicts due to the fact that I did not pull the previous fixes applied after my previous PR. My bad!
What I have done this time around is to compile everything on another machine with VS 2013 Update 5. Yes there are a few references that seem not needed in 2015 but still needed in 2013. So these have been fixed and I have actually done basic testing on the two Sample solutions.
So in my view you should be able to merge by taking this version as being more up-to-date and then make modifications if more compile errors occur.
Changes due to porting to VS2013 Update 5
Visual Studio SLN Files
MvvmCross_Forms_Examples.sln replaced by per example SLN file and RebuildAllExamples.CMD
Projects that required System.ObjectModel in VS2013 Update 5
Samples/Example001CSharp/Example.Android/Example.Android.csproj Samples/Example001XAML/Example.Android/Example.Android.csproj
Other Changes
Samples/Example001XAML/Example/Example.csproj About.cs rewritten in XAML
Samples/Example001XAML/Example/Pages/FirstPage.xaml some reworking on the XAML
New Folder WikiImages
In order to show images in Wiki Pages we need somewhere to publish those images. They are not part of the project and cannot be published in the Git Wiki itself.
Nuspec now publishes code files in addition to symbols in its symbols package. So developers can now debug down into the Forms Presenters layer but still use Nuget Packages for references management,
This PR will generate merge conflicts due to the fact that I did not pull the previous fixes applied after my previous PR. My bad!
What I have done this time around is to compile everything on another machine with VS 2013 Update 5. Yes there are a few references that seem not needed in 2015 but still needed in 2013. So these have been fixed and I have actually done basic testing on the two Sample solutions.
So in my view you should be able to merge by taking this version as being more up-to-date and then make modifications if more compile errors occur.