MvvmCross / MvvmCross-Tutorials

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Missing references #1

Open 00091701 opened 11 years ago

00091701 commented 11 years ago

If I clone the examples it would be great if they work.. But if I clone the examples on my mac all references are missing.

Is it possible that you use MvvmCross as git submodule for reference or a path next to the samples?

(This issue based on the Sample - CirriousConference)

slodge commented 11 years ago


The challenge currently is that sometimes I want to use the debug or release assemblies from the XS build or the VS build on, and sometimes totally different assemblies from an Alpha Xamarin setup or from one of my own builds.

Not sure how to set this up - except adding huge numbers of configurations to all the projects (which I don't really want to do).

There is also an issue that now half the samples use nuget - and that those projects won't load on XS without some csproj hacking (but they might load in 2 weeks when Xam release PCL support)

Open to suggestions on this.

00091701 commented 11 years ago

Can you add a folder "ref" with "your" binaries and use that for the references? So every can use the tested binaries for this project.

slodge commented 11 years ago

Not really on Windows... those symlink things don't work so good :/

As smaller steps:

I'd also like to get the samples which use nuget to download the nuget on demand - but I will probably wait on some Xamarin nuget and PCL time before trying that.

00091701 commented 11 years ago

I think that better instructions didn't help because you can't download and start the example. You have to download read the manual edit the project .. that's not so funny. And after the update you have to start from the top.

My idea was not a symlink to the dll but a hard copy of the files to the ref directory. The projects are bigger, but they work.

/project /project/ref/mydlls.dll /project/bin/ /project/obj/* [..]

slodge commented 11 years ago

I think I'm going to delay a decision on this until after we get PCL support from Xamarin (which is genuinely 'coming soon')

Until that time, there is a sticky issue here about which set of assemblies to include with which project. I could work around that problem with a day or so of work... but really it would be a day wasted assuming that the official PCL support is coming any day now.

It could be that we even change all the code to use Nuget - then each project would have its own updateable assemblies

rebelzach commented 9 years ago

Mvvmcross looks like a sweet solution(tm) I'm having a hell of a time trying to bootstrap the learning process. I'm using Xamarin and none of the samples will build, I'm getting funny assembly 'System.Object' errors. I'm wondering if its developed with the intent to play well with Xamarin on Mac and if its still a good option as an MVVM tool. Am I missing something obvious?!