My-Little-Forum / mylittleforum

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Add the feature to have to approve entries #715

Closed auge8472 closed 1 week ago

auge8472 commented 2 months ago

Forum operators requested the feature to have to approve forum entries to prevent problems regarding the EU-Regulation Digital Services Act (DSA). This PR implements this feature.

Therefore we introduce a new forum setting and a new column in the entries table.

auge8472 commented 4 weeks ago

In case of the automatic classification of a posting as ham we may need a further setting to enable or disable the training of the Bayesian filter (B8). When B8 and/or Akismet is activated and a posting gets approved it should automaticcaly get marked as ham. An additional feature of the B8 filter is the training with the forum content.

The second idea was proposed by Micha in a posting in the project forum. An issue I see with that proposal, is the possible training with empty or very short postings (with only a few words). This possibly needs later further finetuning.

loesler commented 4 weeks ago

The second idea was proposed by Micha in a posting in the project forum. An issue I see with that proposal, is the possible training with empty or very short postings (with only a few words). This possibly needs later further finetuning.

No, that is not correct. It is prevented by the additional checkbox. You always have the option of using the posts to train the filter. If you want to train, you have to check the box, if not, you have to un-check the box. This is my suggestion. You have full flexibility and have to make a decision for each individual posting.

My suggestion for the forum settings relates to the pre-selection of the checkbox (i.e. the default case) not on the decision to train/not to train. Thus, you have always the option to check/un-check the box.

auge8472 commented 4 weeks ago

No, that is not correct. It is prevented by the additional checkbox. You always have the option of using the posts to train the filter. If you want to train, you have to check the box, if not, you have to un-check the box. This is my suggestion. You have full flexibility and have to make a decision for each individual posting.

Ahh, there should be a checkbox (or a second button) for the action approve and train in the approval form for the forum team member, if ...

My suggestion for the forum settings relates to the pre-selection of the checkbox (i.e. the default case) not on the decision to train/not to train. Thus, you have always the option to check/un-check the box.

... the forum operator or administrator activated the training feature for the approval form in general.

Do I understand your idea correctly now?

loesler commented 3 weeks ago

To avoid confusion here the short version in German: Ich hatte angeregt, eine Checkbox neben dem Button hinzuzufügen. Klickt man den Button, wird der Beitrag als HAM markiert. Ist die Checkbox zusätzlich ausgewählt, wird der Beitrag auch zum Trainieren des Filters verwendet. Für jedes Post kann so individuell entschieden werden, ob es zum Trainieren verwenden werden soll. Diese Checkbox könnte nun per default ausgewählt oder nicht-ausgewählt sein. Wenn man häufiger die "nur HAM" Variante nutz, wäre es hilfreich, wenn die Checkbox per default nicht-ausgewählt ist. Will man aber viele Posting zum Trainieren verwenden, dann wäre eine ausgewählte Box schöner. Daher der Vorschlag, dass der Admin in den Foreneinstellungen festlegt, ob die Checkbox per default ausgewählt oder eben nicht-ausgewählt ist. Da es nur die Vorauswahl ist, kann jedes Posting dennoch individuell zum Training herangezogen oder ausgeschlossen werden. Man muss dann auch keine Wörter zählen oder ähnliches, da man stets die Wahl hat.

auge8472 commented 1 week ago

This PR will be closed now because its purpose is in the context of a forum software IMHO nonsense.