Application that allows users to maximize their garden’s efficiency and carbon sequestration. Users can track the health of their gardens through light, temperature, and moisture sensors connected to RaspberryPis.
Added a search feature to search a sensor's readings by date.
This endpoint takes 3 params (start, stop and sensor_id)
I took out the time_of_reading attribute from the serializer and replaced it with created_at. I did this because created_at is a default attribute which requires no extra work to put in the db. Whereas time_of_reading would have to be coded in when a reading is taken from the hardware.
Title of this branch may be a bit misleading. This branch is responsible for searching a specific sensor's garden_healths.
closes #44
Added a search feature to search a sensor's readings by date.
This endpoint takes 3 params (start, stop and sensor_id)
I took out the time_of_reading attribute from the serializer and replaced it with created_at. I did this because created_at is a default attribute which requires no extra work to put in the db. Whereas time_of_reading would have to be coded in when a reading is taken from the hardware.
Title of this branch may be a bit misleading. This branch is responsible for searching a specific sensor's garden_healths. closes #44