MyEssentials / MyTown2

Version 2 of MyTown - A Minecraft Server Protection Mod
The Unlicense
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MinecraftEDU or... #428

Open Mystyfy opened 8 years ago

Mystyfy commented 8 years ago

I'm a teacher and am currently using MinecraftEDU in some lessons. I also started an after school group that hangs every so often. I'll address the setup and then the issue I'm stonewalled on. I have MyTown working great...admin/OP privileges are great as well...I can't for the life of me get a student to have permissions to even use the /t command. I'm assuming at this point it's most likely a restriction due to the EDU version but thought I'd check here before I give up on it. The current edu version uses forge 1291. I have MyPerm 42-dev, MyEssCore 108-dev, MyTown 320-dev (using it to fix the name and id blank issue). Just curious if anyone else has experience jacking with this EDU version - would love to get MyTown working with it from the student point of view so they can protect their areas. Thanks in advance!! Let me know if you need more details or have questions. I feel like I've tried everything.

krwminer commented 8 years ago

You should not mix and match versions. Is there any reason you do not use the latest of MyTown2, MEC and MyPermissions?

Mystyfy commented 8 years ago

The forge build 1291 limits a lot of what can be updated, which as stated is forced by being the EDU version of minecraft. The versions of MyTown variations are due to that and the fact that's what the documentation/site/etc tell you to use on 1.7.10 and up to forge 1291. Also the 320 build of MyTown fixed an oddball issue with blank name and id of entities. If I'm missing something please let me know or offer suggestions. I'm new to the server side of minecraft and with the EDU version but have plenty of experience with computers/software/programming. I just can't figure out why it's restricting permissions the way it is. I can get MyTown working great as the teacher/OP but students can't do jack diddly even with adding permissions nodes with MyTown or with editing the EDU text files that say "students can use this command." It's about to be a pain...I'll keep digging through the EDU code and see if I can find something. Just thought maybe someone had more experience with the EDU version and it's issues so I posted here. Apologies if it's not a fault of MyTown - as you stated though it could be an issue of my file versions but it's the right combo from what I can find.

FiveEYZ commented 8 years ago

Do you use any mod/plugin for permissions?

Mystyfy commented 8 years ago

I have tried using only what MyTown provides and then also attempted the ForgeEssentials mod. It worked with allowing MyTown commands to be ran but also allowed students to break blocks inside of protected areas and gave OP commands as well. It could be my lack of knowledge with FE and how it works exactly but it felt like it would require running through 1000+ commands one by one in order to get FE to work properly with the EDU setup and combing through every command to learn exactly what it does. I tried their denydefault but kept getting syntax errors (again, limited updates due to forge 1291). I tried mytown.cmd.outsider.* and mytown.cmd.everyone.* by itself with default FE permissions and with mixes of many attempts of other setups - all led to dead ends and frustration w/o permissions working the way I thought they should or wanted. There could also be something behind the scenes with the EDU version with permissions but documentation on it is pretty much non existent. I have started combing through the code for their wrapper and launcher but have limited time lately as life is a bit busy. I'll keep chuggin along to see what happens. Any advice or thought is appreciated. Thanks!!

krwminer commented 8 years ago

All the latest dev builds of MT2/MyPermissions/MEC now are at Forge 1291, so that should not be an issue. What we really need is to legally get access to MinecraftEDU in order to make sure all of MT2 works properly with it.

Mystyfy commented 8 years ago

I've narrowed down what I think is the issue over the weekend. I will also look into the legality of sharing/delving into the EDU version. It looks as if the EDU version overrides all commands/permissions granted to "students" when they login and just the opposite for "teacher" logins as they are granted full OP control. I don't think it's an issue of compatibility but an issue of students not allowed to run the commands. The built in EDU method of allowing/banning commands only seems to work with their specific EDU commands (its text file based, very basic). I've had some luck after learning more about ForgeEssentials though - I had only briefly tested it "out of the bag" yet it requires some advanced setup time/prep to get working properly. My only issue with FE is that it's allowing students to break protected MyTown zones - I must not have the proper FE permissions set. Any insight would be appreciated and I apologize if bringing this EDU discussion here was a problem. I do appreciate your responses and effort.

Mystyfy commented 8 years ago

I have also updated to all the latest MyTown files - it didn't seem to fix the issue with the testing I ran over the weekend either which reinforces where I think the issue hides. I will keep looking into the EDU code as I have time and also check into the legality of sharing it with you if possible. Thanks!!

FiveEYZ commented 8 years ago

Dont know if this will be of any help, but this is what i have to give my mod/admin permission to edit inside towns (without them being OP):

if i remember right then FE will generate a permissions.txt with all nodes it found from all mods running on the server

Tonsse commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm one of the developers working on MinecraftEdu. The problem is with student permissions in MinecraftEdu. By default students can only use a very limited set of commands. Most likely you would have to /op the students for the MyTown commands to work. This will ofcourse allow them to use all commands available.

If adding the desired commands to the "allowedstudentcommands.txt" file didn't help then opping them might be the only solution.

Mystyfy commented 8 years ago

That is what I have gathered from digging around the java code, edu files, and numerous attempted work arounds with configs, mods, etc. It is what it is I suppose :) I have found that ForgeEssentials will override pretty much all commands with the EDU version but in the end nothing seems to like each other and all goes to crap. I'm trying to find a balance with it to see if I can't find a happy medium. My only issue with OPing students is that it doesn't seem like the EDU cares what level of admin/OP it is - from a command/permission level it's either OP 4 or worthless student. It makes sense with the vision of a student/teacher atmosphere - you all have done a great job with the EDU build. I just want to find a way to protect land ;)

krwminer commented 8 years ago


We would like to work with MinecraftEDU, but we are limited in what we can do without access to a legal copy of MinecraftEDU. Even if we get the commands working, (which I am sure we can come up with something if we work together), I worry about our ASM patches and such and want to make sure they work with MinecraftEDU also.

I really hope we can work something out. I think MinecraftEDU would really benefit from a comprehensive server protection mod.

krwminer commented 8 years ago

I was granted a copy of MinecraftEDU for testing. I will try and look more closely at this problem.

Mystyfy commented 8 years ago

You rock - sorry for the late reply!! School got busy with finals and now Christmas break with family, friends, etc. Appreciate you taking the time - pretty sure it boils down to how they handle the student and teacher categorizing of everything. If you come up with some awesome, if not no bigs. I teach high school age students at a Career Center and use minecraft in computer science and programming related lessons. Right now it's a small enough group protection isn't as big of a problem but I'm wanting to open a world that anyone can play on after school as a fun club activity. Anyway - appreciate your efforts, let me know if there's anything I can help with or do for you. Thanks!!


Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2015 08:26:07 -0800 From: To: CC: Subject: Re: [MyTown2] MinecraftEDU or... (#428)

I was granted a copy of MinecraftEDU for testing. I will try and look more closely at this problem.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

MuresanSergiu commented 8 years ago

Did this get solved?

dfisher75 commented 8 years ago


I too would like to know if this is resolved? I've been bashing my head against it for months and finally came across this thread. As for Mystyfy, teachers can run commands, students cannot. At least I know not to keep getting bruises on my head :) BTW MCEDU 1.6.4 & MyTown work fine - I have a server setup with this working. I'd dearly like to go to MCEDU 1.7.10 & MyTown2...

jbingston commented 7 years ago

Hey all. In short- IT WILL WORK !!!

I've been silently following this post for about a year now, hoping for a resolution. I think I may have found one.

MyTown 2 and MinecraftEDU 1.7.10 v22

MyTown2-1.7.10-0.5.0b.jar (for Minecraft 1.7.10) from April2016 requires Forge or higher. (see the following link)

I was using MinecraftEDU 1.7.10 v12(version12) until Nov2016 which uses Forge I did not have the install file for the latest MinecraftEDU version22 and you can no longer download the install files for version 22. Recently I discovered that I could do an update within one of the startup options in version12 and it updated to version 22 (the last one made before Microsoft took over MinecraftEDU and forced all new MinecraftEDU stuff to use windows 10).

Since version 22 uses Forge it should be compatible with the newer MyTown2 [0.5.0b] mod which was released in April 2016.

I tested it out and so far it works. I disabled the computercraft mod just to make sure it did not have a conflict with MyTown2 (MyTown2 may work with computercraft- I don’t know. I have not tested it). I did have to edit the allowedstudentcommands.txt file to allow /help and /town (other websites address this), so students to use the mod but overall I believe it works.

I hope this helps.

dfisher75 commented 7 years ago

HI jbingston,

Excellent! though I htought I had downloaded the lastest version, but it shows 0kb, and now i cna't get it. :(

Actually happy days, turns out of have it on backup!