MyEssentials / MyTown2

Version 2 of MyTown - A Minecraft Server Protection Mod
The Unlicense
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Unlimited Farclaim exploit #457

Open braingkk opened 8 years ago

braingkk commented 8 years ago

While you can set a limit of far-claims [chunk not connected to the main town] one can simply claim a chunk next to the far-claim chunk and unclaim the far-claim w/o using up a far-claim slot, as long as the town still has more available chunks.

this also is a workaround for the increased far-claim cost, just claim the chunk next to the one you wanted as a far-claim, then claim the chunk you actually want and unclaim the far-claim.

prob could put in as 2 separate issues, but i figure they are basically the same issue of increasing far-claim size then removing the original far-claim; just differing applications of the same action.

damonmensch commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately the way farclaim works is that it only counts against you if the plot is not adjacent to an already claimed plot. This exact same exploit existed in the towny plugin in bukkit. The only difference is that Do any also gave a warp command so most people didn't take advantage of it.

I personally can't think if a feasible way to remove this exploit and still allow farclaim to work. It seems to me it would have to be up to the servers themselves to police this exploit.

MuresanSergiu commented 8 years ago

We can actually fix this issue by adding a check when unclaiming something that leaves some claims unlinked from the main town claim set and preventing that unclaim from even happening, or just make them pay the extra cost for the far claim(s) that have been created.

braingkk commented 8 years ago

that would help also for people just chaining out from the main claim on servers with farclaim disabled