MyEssentials / MyTown2

Version 2 of MyTown - A Minecraft Server Protection Mod
The Unlicense
35 stars 22 forks source link

install/configure #502

Open bardkin opened 7 years ago

bardkin commented 7 years ago

Trying my best to figure out whats wrong. here's my set up:

Forge 1.7.10-Forge

Mods: Journeymap 1.7.10-5.1.4p1 Mytown2 1.7.10-0.5.0b MyEssentials-Core 1.7.10-1.18r MyPermissions-1.7.10-66-dev

Here is what I need to do- I have a world built for my kids that has quests and LOTR stuff for them to play with. The vending mod allows me to offer them items like armor and weapons and such but they have to earn the money. Now, all of that works fine. What i am having issues with is the mob griefing in towns and such. I don't want to turn off mob damage world wide, only in certain areas.

So I created a testing / learn-how-to-use-it profile and created a whole new world with just the listed mods.

I cant seem to get anywhere with it at all. When I try to use a Mytown2 command like /townadmin or /ta new town1 I get rejected for not having permissions.

I have looked at the wikki, and a few other forums but haven't really found anything- which means that so far, I am the only one who has this problem! lol!

I tried "/mytown perm" and got an unknown error.

So I am thinking I need to set up some permissions, monkey with some configs.. but I am just not finding any resources out there.

BTW- I have tried it with Forge Essentials, and edited the .cfg file to use the FE permissions, set up an admin group and added myself to it, same results.

What do I need to do to get started with this mod set?


MuresanSergiu commented 7 years ago

Look in here:

Under the section "Permission system". If you want to use ForgeEssentials you need to change the permissionSystem value in the MyPermissions.cfg to $ForgeEssentials

bardkin commented 7 years ago

BTW- I have tried it with Forge Essentials, and edited the .cfg file to use the FE permissions, set up an admin group and added myself to it, same results.