MyEssentials / MyTown2

Version 2 of MyTown - A Minecraft Server Protection Mod
The Unlicense
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"Failed to save town" Error each time some one on my server tries to create a new town. #516

Open Nisagent opened 7 years ago

Nisagent commented 7 years ago

Running a server this error is happening for everyone so far. just started doing this? could something have gotten changed that is causing this? any assistance on this matter will be appreciated.

Eufranio commented 7 years ago

This means MyTown couldn't write to the database. What's your database type, server and MyTown/MyEss/MyPermissions versions? Usually those errors comes with a stacktrace in the console, you can paste it in .

Also, looks like MyTown is dead, you probably won't be supported if the bug is in their end.

Nisagent commented 7 years ago

so we don't have a database it just uses the file to write to. not sure the versions but everything in the pack is updated to the latest best usable version.

Nisagent commented 7 years ago