MyEssentials / MyTown2

Version 2 of MyTown - A Minecraft Server Protection Mod
The Unlicense
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ICBM Support #523

Open Andrew2070 opened 6 years ago

Andrew2070 commented 6 years ago

Hey, could you guys make or teach me how to create a JSON file for the ICBM mod?

Need to protect from EntityMissile.

I'm having trouble tracking it, and using the setDead() method.

  "modid": "icbm",
  "segments": [
      "class": "com.builtbroken.content.icbm.missile.entity.EntityMissile",
      "type": "entity",
      "actions": "TRACKED",
      "flags": "EXPLOSIONS",
      "owner": [
          "element": "missile",
          "type": "FIELD"
      "range": 20