MyHomeworkSpace / client

The MyHomeworkSpace client.
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Calendar invites #103

Open willbarkoff opened 4 years ago

willbarkoff commented 4 years ago

It would be fantastic if you could share calendar events with other people and allow them to RSVP, similar to Google Calendar and Outlook. We can take a look at using RsvpActions in Gmail and Actionable Messages for Outlook to make this more user friendly to (lame) people who don't use MyHomeworkSpace.

If the recipient does use MyHomeworkSpace, we could have them accept or deny the request directly from their calendar.

thatoddmailbox commented 4 years ago

I think the standard for this is to actually just send an email with an attached iCalendar file. We would need to handle replies to the email, but doing it via an ics would mean we should support basically all email clients (think iOS mail, exchange, etc) and allow responding with accept/tentative/decline. It would probably be a little tricky handling the case where an invited user writes something in their response email, though I guess we could just forward it as is to the owner of the event? That might be too confusing though...