MyHomeworkSpace / client

The MyHomeworkSpace client.
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Event modal time selection is broken #112

Open thatoddmailbox opened 4 years ago

thatoddmailbox commented 4 years ago

The start + end time selection are somewhat broken on the event model. It's supposed to be smart and maintain the same amount of time when you change the start in certain scenarios. (like if you change the start time to be a day earlier, you probably also want the end time to be a day earlier) However right now it's just kind of broken and it sets the start and end time to be the same thing a lot.

We should be a little careful though, since we don't want to super aggressively second-guess everything the user does, but we also don't want to do nothing and assume that the user totally wanted to make a 1 hour long event actually 25 hours.