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Timezones in Calendar #167

Open thatoddmailbox opened 3 years ago

thatoddmailbox commented 3 years ago

If you create a recurring event before a daylight savings time shift, but let it recur until after that shift, it will appear to have moved backwards/forwards by an hour. Technically speaking, the server is correct to do this, since the event is happening another 24 (or 24*7, etc...) hours past its previous occurrence; however, it's probably not what the user is expecting.

This is part of a broader issue with Calendar: for the most part, we ignore timezones, doing everything on the server in UTC, and letting the client convert to "local time" (but the only "local time" that's actually tested is America/New_York). Events probably want to be specified as a local time + timezone? And then recurring events would be calculated within that timezone? I'm not actually completely sure how best to handle this...