MyHomeworkSpace / client

The MyHomeworkSpace client.
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Internal due dates #170

Open willbarkoff opened 3 years ago

willbarkoff commented 3 years ago

Sometimes I find myself in a position like this:


I have two pretty major assignments due tomorrow, in fact, they're so major, that one of them needs to get done today so that the other one can be finished for tomorrow.

I like putting official due dates in my planner, as in, the date that I must hand things in by to stop myself from getting into trouble. Now; here's the thing. If I don't finish either my pset or my assignment tonight, I won't have time to finish the other one tomorrow.

I'd like to be able to somehow specify that I need to finish my pset tonight, but still have the actual due date in my planner. I know that the "finish" or "do" tags can probably help me here, but something more concrete would be ideal.

thatoddmailbox commented 3 years ago

Here's an idea, not sure if it good or how exactly it would look:

Maybe for each homework assignment, we could have a list of "milestones" (or "subassignments", "parts" or similar, since "milestone" might be too much like formal project management software). Each milestone would have a name and (optional?) due date, and you could check them off, and then we could come up with some nice-looking way to display it in the dashboard.

So for example for your CS project, you could have milestones for different parts of the assignment. I'm not sure this really would apply for something like a quiz though, where it's less of a concrete thing to do and more just "study". I also have no idea how we would actually display this in a non-confusing manner on the dashboard.

willbarkoff commented 3 years ago

I really like that idea! I think it's a great implementation. The one thing I'd like to make sure we have is an ability to mark milestones done I love chunking my work up (my math class sorts homework into "Completion Problems," and "Presentation Problems" and I usually do them separately)! I have an idea for the UI in homework view, and I can make a mockup later tonight.