MyHomeworkSpace / client

The MyHomeworkSpace client.
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Markup in assignment descriptions #180

Closed willbarkoff closed 2 years ago

willbarkoff commented 2 years ago

It would be amazing if markdown, or some other type of markup was permitted in assignment descriptions.

This is probably pretty easy to with some third-party Preact component (though that would require adding a dependency). One thing to be wary of is Self XSS[^1].

[^1]: Actually, i'm not sure if this would count as Self-XSS, because that usually refers to the console, but i guess you would be inflicting an xss scripting attack on yourself, so maybe it would count?

willbarkoff commented 2 years ago

I added support for bold (*), italics (_), and ~strike-through~ (~), inspired by Slack's syntax. I think more can be done on a case-by-case basis